Guitar Effects Pedal Kits

Guitar Effects Kits

A popular range of guitar effects electronics kits, complimenting the Guitar FX Layouts blog at
These kits contain the components required to build the electronic circuit, as presented on the blog, leaving you free to choose your own preferred style of box, led, knobs and jack sockets - see the FAQ page for a checklist if required.
Note - these kits are not intended for beginners, so the ability to identify components and values from their markings and to transfer a pictorial layout to physical stripboard is assumed. No written instructions are provided with the kit.
The latest layout should be downloaded from the tagboard effects blog (a link is provided on each kit's page) where you will also find build tips and read the experiences of other effects pedal builders.
Any build queries should be directed to the layout designer, Mark, on the relevant blog page.
Manufacturers and product names are mentioned solely for circuit identification and comparison, and where applicable the trademarks are the property of their respective owners who are in no way associated or affiliated with Bitsbox. No cooperation or endorsement is implied.
Box of Rock Complete Clone

Box of Rock Complete Clone

"Highly specialized to simulate the "everything on 10" sound of a classic Marshall® JTM45 non-master-volume amplifier." A kit of components as...
Clark Gainster Clone

Clark Gainster Clone

"Add more gain to your guitar playing with minimal colouration to your signal. This pedal is designed to preserve the tone of your guitar and every...
ColorSound Overdrive Clone

ColorSound Overdrive Clone

The Overdriver is a bass and treble boost/overdrive pedal that works great with tube amps. It sounds almost like a little amp in a box, and it is...
Cornish G2 Clone

Cornish G2 Clone

"The PETE CORNISH G-2â„¢ has been hailed as the most original sounding distortion unit available to guitarists in the Rock Arena." - build Pete...
DAM Meathead Clone

DAM Meathead Clone

"DAM's take on a simplified Fuzz Face or Colorsound One Knob Fuzz depending on which way you look at it. Either way a truly great sounding effect...
EHX 66 Triangle Big Muff Clone

EHX 66 Triangle Big Muff Clone

"One of the most famous fuzz pedals ever, the much sought after early "Triangle" version of the Big Muff Pi." A kit of components as recommended by...
EHX 73 Rams Head Big Muff Clone

EHX 73 Rams Head Big Muff Clone

One of the most famous fuzz pedals ever, the much sought after 1973 "Rams Head" version of the Big Muff Pi. A kit of components as recommended by...
FD II Mosfet V2 Clone

FD II Mosfet V2 Clone

Build the stripboard take on Fulltone's most popular circuit - a souped up Tubescreamer on steroids. A kit of...
FTOCD V3 Clone

FTOCD V3 Clone

Build the stripboard take on Fulltone's Cranked-Marshall-in-a-Box A kit of components as recommended by Ivlark for...
Lovepedal Eternity Burst Clone

Lovepedal Eternity Burst Clone

"Lovepedal's nodded bufferless Tubescreamer is another of the most popular boutique effects ever. There were so many versions it made your eyes water...
Heartthrob Tremolo Clone

Heartthrob Tremolo Clone

"MarkM's popular tremolo circuit based on the classic Schaller. A must have for tremolo fans" A kit of components as recommended by Ivlark for...
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Dumbloid Special Clone

Dumbloid Special Clone

"One of the most iconic and sought after amps in history ... in a pedal!" A kit of components as recommended by Ivlark for assembly of the Shin's...
Klon Centaur Clone

Klon Centaur Clone

"A pedal that needs no introduction to any aficionado of guitar effects. Simply the most sought after and highly regarded overdrive pedal of all...
Little Angel Chorus V4 Clone

Little Angel Chorus V4 Clone

"A simple chorus effect using a low cost PT2399 IC. The chorus voicing is digital but the dry path remains in the analog domain." A kit of components...
Lunar Module Deluxe Clone

Lunar Module Deluxe Clone

"A modern take on a classic fuzz, inspired by David Gilmour's tone on "Time" from Pink Floyd's classic album The Dark Side of the Moon " A kit of...
Maxon OD808 Clone

Maxon OD808 Clone

"Originally released in 1979, the Maxon OD808 was one of the first tube-amp overdrive simulators to hit the market. Its smooth, creamy crunch tone...
Red Snapper Clone - 3 Knob

Red Snapper Clone - 3 Knob

"The Red Snapper debuted in 1996 to fill the need for a very open and uncompressed overdrive. It can produce anything from a clean boost to enough...
Musket Fuzz Clone

Musket Fuzz Clone

"Based on one of the raunchiest, best selling fuzz circuits of all time - taken three giant muffy steps further." A kit of components as recommended...
MXR Microamp Clone

MXR Microamp Clone

"Adding a preset amount of gain with just a single control, the Micro Amp is a great way to boost your signal for lead work or adjust between two...
Nocturne Brain Seltzer Classic Clone

Nocturne Brain Seltzer Classic Clone

"If you want the missing link between your filtertron'd Hollowbody and vintage bassman amp, namely the RE-301 space echo, to get that blonde ol'...
Paul Cochrane Timmy Clone

Paul Cochrane Timmy Clone

"A pedal of near mythic proportions, the Timmy pedal works in conjunction with your amplifier's natural tone to add anything from a mild boost to a...
Rockett WTF Clone

Rockett WTF Clone

"A popular current pedal based on the classic Jordan Bosstone" A kit of components as recommended by Ivlark for assembly of the Rockett WTF (modded...
Seamoon Funk Machine V2 Clone with Blender

Seamoon Funk Machine V2 Clone with Blender

Classic funk filter autowah effect, popular with bass players (especially this version with a buffered blend) but equally good on guitar. A kit of...
Skreddy P19 Clone

Skreddy P19 Clone

Specifically tuned to the sound of a block-buster 1979 album and emulates the "magic" 70's era fuzz pedal that was somehow clear and articulate on...
Son of Clay Jones Overdrive Clone

Son of Clay Jones Overdrive Clone

"The venerable Clay Jones Overdrive gets the Lovepedal Eternity treatment by Fred Briggs. The ultimate mojo Tubescreamer gets a bit more mojo" A kit...
Swamp Thang Clone

Swamp Thang Clone

"The Swamp Thang is designed to replicate the Fender brown face tremolo in a small convenient package." A kit of components as recommended by Ivlark...
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Sweet Honey Overdrive Clone

Sweet Honey Overdrive Clone

"Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive (SHOD) is a super touch sensitive medium gain overdrive pedal. It is designed to overdrive distorted amplifiers...
TS808 Clone

TS808 Clone

"For more than a quarter century, the Tubescreamer has captivated players as the first name in overdrive pedals. With a distinctive sound and high...
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TS9 Compact with Clipping Switch Clone

TS9 Compact with Clipping Switch Clone

"Introduced with a whole series of Ibanez 9-volt pedal (hence the "9" in "TS9") the TS9 featured a larger, easier-to-stomp foot switch than its...
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Vemuram Jan Ray Clone

Vemuram Jan Ray Clone

"A firm natural overdrive with a pleasant silky sustain. An easy to handle overdrive with great sustain without any unnatural compression. It keeps...

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