Guitar Effects Pedal Kits

Guitar Effects Kits

A popular range of guitar effects electronics kits, complimenting the Guitar FX Layouts blog at
These kits contain the components required to build the electronic circuit, as presented on the blog, leaving you free to choose your own preferred style of box, led, knobs and jack sockets - see the FAQ page for a checklist if required.
Note - these kits are not intended for beginners, so the ability to identify components and values from their markings and to transfer a pictorial layout to physical stripboard is assumed. No written instructions are provided with the kit.
The latest layout should be downloaded from the tagboard effects blog (a link is provided on each kit's page) where you will also find build tips and read the experiences of other effects pedal builders.
Any build queries should be directed to the layout designer, Mark, on the relevant blog page.
Manufacturers and product names are mentioned solely for circuit identification and comparison, and where applicable the trademarks are the property of their respective owners who are in no way associated or affiliated with Bitsbox. No cooperation or endorsement is implied.
Woolly Mammoth Clone

Woolly Mammoth Clone

"Sensitive and touchy, This bass fuzz has tremendous bottom end and a beautiful harmonic structure that sounds blistering with a guitar too." A kit...
... more info
 Sold Out 
Xotic EP Booster Clone

Xotic EP Booster Clone

"A simple pure boost that pays reverence to the magical EP-3 and captures the celebrated tones of the world's most famous players." A kit of...
Zendrive Clone

Zendrive Clone

"Cut through the mix with the incomparable Zendrive. Inspired by a legendary guitarist, the Zendrive delivers blues, country, jazz and fusion tones...

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